
Sabastion carries the Mark of The Prince. The House of Umbrae Octo

No man is an island, but ten dead ones can make a pretty good raft.
Set at 05:37 on August 28, 2009

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Sire (101.94)
Rank:  Consul
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The House of Umbrae Octo
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Colorado, USA



Bite Sabastion

Stalk Sabastion


I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying.

Portfolio is being rebuilt.
Portfolio contains ?? pictures

'Hurt' by Trent Reznor, arranged by Johnny Cash, sung by Sabastion:

I do things.
I'll gain an interest in something and study it with such an intensity that it borders on obsession. Not to the point of neglecting things. I can usually maintain priorities. After I've become comfortable in my knowledge level I move on to something new. Often in a field where I have no previous experiance. There are a few exceptions. I have not yet become an authority on mystical arts. With over 30 years of studies, I realize how little I know.

I notice things.
I see that which others tend not to.

I don't pre-judge.
I treat everyone as my equal until proven otherwise. At that point you are treated accordingly.

I respect those who deserve it.
Don't ever mistake respect for a station or office as respect for the individual.
I respect the office of the President of The USA.
Don't mistake politeness for respect.
I'm polite to everybody.

I abhore those who are rude.
"Profanity is the crutch of a conversational cripple." ~ Jay Alexander

I mean what I say.
If I am unsure about something I will say nothing. Better to be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

I am very proud of all that I've accomplished.
I'm not looking to impress anybody, simply because this is who I am. I am a sum of all I've done, people I've met, subjects I've studied.

I am extremely grateful to those who helped me when I needed it over the years. Whenever I can, I help someone who needs that little something that keeps them going. If its a word of encouragement or my last $5 for food, It's because of those who saw fit to assist me in a like manner. Thank you.

Interesting jobs and hobbies I've had and skills I've acquired:

Houseman to Linda Goodman
When I was 14 I was introduduced to Linda Goodman. I didn't realize she was an author at the time. She was a friend of my Mom. I knew Linda was wealthy. She owned one of the largest homes in Cripple Creek, Co. She offered me a job after school doing chores around the house.
After a short while Linda and I became friends.
She started teaching me different techniques for manipulating energy, astrology, and other disciplines that I soaked up like a sponge. That was an amazing few years.

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Bristol Renaissance Faire
(6 consecutive summers while in college)

* Master of the Snake Whip
* Swordsman - not a master, but I can hold my own.(hehe..I've never been killed anyway)
* Chainmaille Artist (pictures in the portfolio)


Blacksmith ( I was an apprentice for 2 years )

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A story about this is in my journal
* Specializing in the creation of original swords and daggers.
* No motorized equipment used except blower and fans.
* All of the swords I've made are combat capable..wherever they are.

Head Cook (Red Lantern Inn, Cripple Creek, Co.)
* I learned to enjoy cooking.
* I can cook a steak to perfection.
* I learned I never wanted to work in a restaurant ever again.

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Artist (While in college and as a hobby)

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There are other pieces in the portfolio.

* Published Illustrator - Over 300 images used in a video for children with lazy eye.
* Oil painting on glass and mirrors. there's about 20 or so floating around. My mom has 2 of them. There is (was?) one on a door on a farmhouse in Salem, Wi.

Private Investigator/Skip Tracer (Bounty Hunter)

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* I've assisted in the recovery of over 225 bad guys over the course of 12+ years
* I've worked with the FBI, Illinois State Police, the Colorado State Police, numerous sheriffs across the country, and a few city p.d.s
Rarely did I work for bailbondsmen.
* I've ruthlessly hunted people for money.
* Hundreds of times. Successfully.
I am writing stories of my 'Adventures in Hunting Humans' in my journal.

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* I was head of security for Aloha Gloria's Gentleman's Club.

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Owner & Web Master of the largest cyber-mall in the western US in 1994.
I was so far ahead of my time on this one.

Station Manager/ Chief Operator for a television station for 5 years.

* I was responsible for making sure the programs were broadcast in compliance with a FCC class a format.
* I played a weather man on our morning news.
~ I'm not a meterologist, I just played one on TV.
* Hosted live programs daily
* Produced programs daily.
* Senior Editor (both pre and post production)

I produced and hosted a weekly two hour music television show called "The GenePool".
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There are a few more pictures in my portfolio.
"The GenePool" was retired after it's 5th season. I played requested music and talked about whatever struck me. I played short films and a lot of music from unsigned bands. I had over 35,000 viewers from Western Arizona and Southern Nevada. Perhaps one day the show will resurface, but I'm not suggesting anyone hold thier breath.

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2007 Bat's Day Disneyland

Licensed Massage Therapist
* I was fortunate enough to get to study Ayur-Vedic Massage with a royal physician from India for two years.
* I have 700 hours of formal western education.
* I am a 3rd level Reiki Master.
* As a part of my practice, I also do bodywork on canines. Our dog doesn't allow me to just 'pet' her any more.
* I tought anatomy, physology, and practical application of Massage Therapy.

A full time student of healing and other mystical arts.

The point is, I do things. I have led an exciting life and I'm confident in my knowledge and abilities.

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My greatest and crowning achievement was the fact that I found and married my best friend.

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My amazingly wise wife.
She is a true 'Jedi Master' of the games.
Don't let her fool you.
She's viciously competitive.

I've been around for a long, long year..

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A vampire's paradise.

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Just in case you get lost.

These get changed every now and then.
Check back and see what's new.

From my new line of parenting tools:
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The next time you say "Because I said so." will have a lot more weight when you forbid them from going down this really cool looking slide "because you said so."

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Jesus loved the Village People!

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You are here.

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One of my favorite 'fictional' characters
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"Now I'm not saying that I've been everywhere and I've done everything, but I do know it's a pretty amazing planet we live on, and a man would have to be some kind of FOOL to think we're alone in THIS universe."
- Jack Burton

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Truth of The Week

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This image was created by: Morrigon

Member Since: Oct 03, 2005
Last Login: Mar 21, 2012
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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